This is your main category. If you wish, choose another category.

This is your subcategory. If you wish, choose another subcategory.

Write your name or company name with capitals in Greek and in English. GR: ΣΑΛΟΥΣΤΡΟΣ ΜΑΝΩΛΗΣ EN: SALOUSTROS MANOLIS

Choose the county of Crete that you are. Your business should have an address there.

Write your address exactly as it is written below in Greek and in English. GR: Λεωφ. 62 Μαρτύρων 400, Ηράκλειο EN: 62 Martyron str. 400, Heraklion

Write your telephons and the fax as it is written below, with Greece code.  TEL 1: +30 2810 250250 TEL 2: +30 6970250250 FAX: +30 2810 250250

Write your business Email. E.g:

Write your business Website. E.g:  

CAUTION: If the changes you send are not written in the form suggested or if there are errors then it will be rejected.


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You just sent your modifications for publication. Please wait 1-4 days to be checked. After that you will be informed by email if it is approved or rejected.

Please write your name or company name with capitals in Greek. E.g: ΣΑΛΟΥΣΤΡΟΣ ΜΑΝΩΛΗΣ
Please write your name or company name with capitals in English. E.g: SALOUSTROS MANOLIS
Please write your address exactly as it is written here in Greek. E.g: Λεωφ. 62 Μαρτύρων 400, Ηράκλειο
Please write your address exactly as it is written here in English. E.g: 62 Martyron str. 400, Heraklion
Please write your telephone number as it is written here, with Greece codeς. E.g: +30 2810 250250
Please write a valid email.