The purpose of this website is to record all local businesses and freelancers of Crete, completely free! That is why our free listing has exactly the same company information as the featured one. Nevertheless, to those who want their business to stand out from the rest, we suggest to upgrade to a 'featured' listing with many benefits and only a small cost (paid once) that and lasts forever!

Upgrade to 'featured' listing and show your business first on our lists and then all the rest. Get inside our home page for a long time, upgrade your listing with eye-catching colours and the best of all: It will stay 'featured' forever without the need of another payment!



€ 0
  • A business listing with all info. Eg: email, website etc.
  • Listing on both Greek and English site.
  • The listing never expires.
  • Show a simple pin on Google Maps.
  • Show in new listings, in home page at the bottom of the page for a few days.
  • Show with the other businesses alphabetically which means that you can go to the last page.
  • Does not have bold colours.
  • Does not show in the home page for a long time.
  • Featured listings have priority in changes, new listings and email support.

- Does not need any actions -


€ 29,95
  • A business listing with all info. Eg: email, website etc.
  • Listing on both Greek and English site.
  • The listing never expires.
  • Show a eye-catching pin on Google Maps.
  • Show in new listings, in home page at the bottom of the page for a few days.
  • Show first and then all the other businesses*.
  • Has eye-catching colours.
  • Shows in our home page at the featured section for a long time.
  • Stays 'featured' forever with no other charges!
  • Priority in changes, new listings and email support.
  • * Only the newer featured businesses in the same subcategory can go on top.